Moore and Giles
floor plan
Moore and Giles have been making custom leather products since 1933. They specialize in high-end leather you can buy by the hide or on one of their products. Moore and Gile's greatly values Kindness, Perseverance, Authenticity, Creativity, Humility. While their products come at a steep price they are known for their quality and longevity. This design project was to design a flagship store for a mainly online business. Moore and Gile's store was set to fill an empty retail space on Broad st in Richmond Virginia.
This large corrugated concrete slab stretches across the entire space and reaches onto the sidewalk of Broad st. Displaying each one of Moore and Giles's unique bags like art on display. The bag wall embodies the brand's handmade products with its inspiration from a traditional tool wall.
When a customer walks into this space they should feel the brand before looking at the products. Every one of the products is hand-made by a leather artist. The design reflects that by displaying the leathers like work in an art gallery. Material selections were kept simple and practical. I wanted the materials used in the space to reflect the strong and natural aspects of leather.